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Natural Awakenings South Central Pennsylvania


Learn how why establishing boundaries is an integral part of Self-care. This is the second workshop in this series focusing on the importance of Self-care and the tools to practice it daily

Identifying, Setting & Upholding Boundaries


Boundaries are created by you, for you, to say what's OK with you and what isn't. They establish where your responsibility ends, and others begin. So why are they so hard to set and uphold? So many of us give tirelessly of ourselves and do for others first, often leading to us feeling unappreciated, resentful, and burnt out! Boundaries may seem selfish or uncaring. But actually, the opposite is true!

Setting healthy boundaries honors and cares for the relationship with yourself and others. It creates a healthy interaction of self-care and gives others permission to learn and grow from their own choices. In this workshop, you will address the following plus so much more:

  • identifying where in your life you may need to set boundaries
  • how to effectively communicate them how to uphold them Facilitated by Darlene Nelson, CPC, Wellness and Self-Care Coach and Angela Failor, therapist.

Date & Time

November 22, 2020

11:00AM - 3:30PM


Aspect Life Coaching & Serenity Center - 1121 Boyce Road, Sainte Claire Plaza #1700, Upper St. Clair, PA, 15241 1121 Boyce Road, Sainte Claire Plaza #1700 Upper St. Clair 15241 PA US

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