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Natural Awakenings South Central Pennsylvania

Editorial Submissions

Send us your NEWS BRIEFS now and CONTACT US to discuss any other type of editorial submission(s) in advance.


Every edition of Natural Awakenings features News Briefs about local events, local businesses and local practitioners. 

Click Here for the NEWS BRIEF Guidelines and Submission form


Health Briefs highlight the latest research studies, trends and tips in easy-to-digest articles of 50 to 200 words. Each focuses on a particular topic, such as food, supplements, self-care, beauty, balance and fitness. Submissions should always contain doable solutions or pertinent research findings on common conditions or health issues.  It is usually best to contact us to discuss submitting a health brief beforehand. We work 3 to 4 months in advance when planning local editorial. Please submit any ideas for health briefs to [email protected]


Articles featured in Natural Awakenings cover a wide range of subjects in the areas of health, healing, inner growth, fitness and earth friendly living.
Articles should be written in layman's terms and focus on informing and educating our readers in a way that is positive and uplifting and is not perceived as self-serving.
Rather than tackling a vast subject, it is better to focus on a particular segment.
Because of the vast amount of editorial material that we plan in advance, it is usually best to contact us to discuss any editorial ideas before submitting them.
We work 3 to 4 months in advance when planning local editorial, so unsolicited submissions do not generally fit into the editorial calendar without proper pre-planning.

We cannot guarantee publication of any unsolicited editorial submissions.

If an unsolicited submission is of interest, we will discuss it with you and may not publish your piece immediately.

All editorial submissions will be
edited to fit the magazine’s voice and style guidelines.
Please submit any ideas for feature articles to [email protected]
