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Natural Awakenings South Central Pennsylvania

Food is Medicine: from Pharmacy to Farm-acy

Group class providing practical, clean food and unique label reading strategies. Track how you feel instead of restricting yourself on another diet. Reverse your dis-ease by incorporating lifestyle interventions for improved quality of life.

Ever wonder how you can stop the yo-yo dieting? 

Do you know you can use Food as Medicine?   Numerous cultures / healers have been doing this for a very long time, but we as an American society do not get taught the nitty gritty details of how to nourish our bodies so they naturally maintain or release the stubborn weight.  We buy and survive on processed ingredients, foods that deplete our nutrients and those which do not fuel us for energy and weight loss. 

Would you like to heal yourself using what nature and as God intended ? 

This class will help you to let go of common myths or beliefs about food and lifestyle choices and will help you to embrace the opportunity to heal yourself with your own choices and how to make the best ones for your life. 

Dr. Tia is a pharmacist who is passionate about whole body-mind-spirit wellness and helping each of us become our most beautiful selves (and not just the society image of "beauty" but truly feel your best and understand and accept yourself as you are right now, so you can release your weight and keep it off).  She works with those with autoimmune, Celiac, Diabetes and those who know there mind is keeping them stuck, but do not know how to overcome this so they can thrive again. 

Date & Time

April 26, 2023

6:00PM - 7:30PM


Wholistically Simple Rx, LLC - 1000 Carlisle St, Suite 2225, Hanover, PA, 17331 1000 Carlisle St, Suite 2225 Hanover 17331 PA US

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Wholistically Simple Rx, LLC