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Natural Awakenings South Central Pennsylvania

Genetically Modified Food Sources Affect Everyone

Jul 29, 2013 08:08PM ● By Linda Stern

Food comprises the building blocks of normal bodily functions and supports the immune system. When the composition of the foods we eat is changed directly or indirectly via the animals that feed on genetically modified foods, our system may not recognize it. A report by Seralini et al, 2013, published in the scientific journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, supports the detrimental effects of GM/GE products in animals as an increased rate of cancer seen in rats and other animal species. The honeybee and butterfly populations feeding on genetically modified crops have significantly decreased or been completely lost, according to authorities in Jackson County, Ontario, Canada, that witnessed dying bees after planting GMO corn seed in a previously GMO-free county.

Prescribing food as medicine for pets is a routine therapy, and animal patients respond best with organic ingredients, especially grain-free and carbohydrate-free foods. If a food source is not labeled organic, consumers cannot know whether protein sources like chicken, turkey and beef have been fed GM foods or not. Fish might be farm-raised unless the food label states that they are wild caught. These protein sources can affect the health of our pets indirectly by possibly passing on residual antibiotics.

Some veterinarians are seeing an increase in health problems including cancer, liver disease and kidney disease in young dogs and cats, attributing a major cause of those health problems to the processing methods and preservatives found in diets fed to our pets. Unfortunately, it is not a requirement in the United States that GE/GM foods be labeled as such, whereas they are banned in many European countries. This sends an alarming message about the safety of the food we eat.

Dr. Linda T. Stern is the owner of Healing Creatures Animal Hospital (formerly Avian & Feline Hospital), 3300 Hartzdale Dr., Ste. 108, in Camp Hill. For more information, call 717-730-3755 or visit