Fun, Fellowship and Camaraderie at New Visions Holistic Expo
Jul 29, 2019 02:36PM ● By Gisele M. Siebold
The 19th New Visions Holistic Expo will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., August 10, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., August 11, at the York Fairgrounds Old Main Building. It offers an abundance of goods and services to enhance holistic wellness and personal and spiritual growth.
The expo includes a wide variety of healing modalities and an eclectic group of service providers. Attendees can shop for unique gifts and products and attend lectures throughout both days. Guest speaker Eagle Sky Fire will present a paid lecture at 1 p.m., August 11. Free lecture topics include Understanding CBD, Slowing the Aging Process with Ayurveda, Sound Meditation, Holistic Wellness Teas for Chronic Ailments, Benefits of CBD and Coconut Oil for Your Pets, Reconnecting with Earth through Plant Medicine, Mindfulness and Meditation, Yoga for Every Body Type and more.
Reverend Bob Hall, owner of sponsor New Visions Books & Gifts, says, “The expo is centrally located from cities such as Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, D. C., and Pittsburgh. Quite a number of our guests come great distances and stay for the weekend to treat themselves to the wonderful goods and services that are offered here.
“Enjoy fun, fellowship and camaraderie with a community of people of like minds and like hearts in a sacred atmosphere that is energetically healing and spiritually uplifting. Many people attend our expo annually as vendors, exhibitors, volunteers and guests, and look forward to it year after year. It’s like homecoming, and they often tell us about the great energy that surrounds them at the expo,” he enthuses.
Admision is $7 each day or $10 for both days. Location: 334 Carlisle Ave., York. (Use the Carlisle Ave. entrance only.) For a detailed lecture schedule and to purchase tickets, visit For more information, call 717-843-8067.