Mind Body Wellness for Teens and Tweens

Session for Illuminate, an integrated mind-body wellness program designed for teens and tweens to build self-confidence, self-compassion and healthy coping skills for stress and anxiety while promoting positive social interaction in a therapeutic group setting, are led by Licensed Clinical Social Worker/Psychotherapist Daina Thompson and Registered Yoga Teacher Ann Fields. Classes will incorporate cognitive behavioral therapy skills, supportive group discussion, yoga, mindfulness and meditation, empowering teens with skills and tools.
The program will be offered for middle school girls in grades six through eight on Sundays, September 22, October 6 and 27, November 10 and 24, and December 8; and for high school girls in grades nine through 12 on Mondays, September 16 and 30, October14, November 4 and 18, and December 9.
Thompson has been a psychotherapist in private practice for 13 years, specializing in work with children, adolescents and families. She uses cognitive behavioral therapy, trauma-informed therapy and play/art/sand therapies as primary methods of treatment. Fields is an adjunct professor at Harrisburg Area Community College, where she teaches yoga and Pilates, as wellness courses.
Cost is $330. Location: 418 Bridge St., New Cumberland. To register, call 717-579-7134 or email [email protected]. For more information, visit PeacefulPosesKidsYoga.com.