Bee Present Wellness A Hive for Personal Growth
Aug 31, 2022 09:31AM ● By Sheila Julson
Founded a decade ago by Jaque Hanson, Bee Present Wellness Center is expanding “The Hive” from two lower level studios, the Lakshimi studio and the Ganesh studio, to the upper level of their building to increase the offerings available. Hanson will add more reiki energy sessions, different forms of bodywork, trauma-informed yoga work, women’s health, sound meditations, tarot readings and astrology. Most of the practitioners are Hanson’s former students.
“The expanded space will have two large, beautiful treatment rooms,” Hanson says. “I’m very excited for all the people that will be working with this. It will give people more access to teachings.” The expansion will also allow Hanson to have her own office.
The Beehive Membership, which launched on August 22, is an online-only program to support new students, as well as initiates. It includes the Myrrhophore Course, which will teach students how to use essential oils, including myrrh, for healing and meditation along their personal journeys. The Beehive Membership will only open its doors twice a year, so that the members may be deeply nurtured, and also to create a safe space for community.
“I see this as an opportunity to learn how to manifest better health, self-confidence and create the life of our dreams,” Hanson says. In addition, there will be an extensive Alchemical Affirmative Prayer course to clear old negative brain patterns so that people can attract a sustainable and empowered life.
Beehive Mystery School education teaches students spiritual principals, alchemical prayer, advanced energy work, ceremonial arts, esoteric practices, astrology, numerology, gene keys, human design, yoga and more. Recurring classes include Shamanic Usui levels one through three, and master trainings that teach shamanic and esoteric arts. Students will learn to perform healing sessions on themselves and others. A registered yoga teacher, Hanson also offers levels one and two Kundalini Yoga.
During the COVID shutdowns, Hanson had to revamp her services, so she invested a lot of time, energy and resources in taking a variety of trainings and started to create the Beehive Membership. Prior to COVID, the Beehive Mystery School had only been available in person. After creating a YouTube channel and producing videos, the online offering became so popular that Hanson kept it going.
“The membership gives Mystery School initiates and other spiritual seekers access to monthly master classes, meditations and Q&A, along with weekly check-ins and access to a closed Facebook group,” Hanson says. “It’s a closed group and a safe space.”
Twenty years ago, Hanson’s then-teenage daughter attempted suicide. During the journey to help her daughter and the family find peace and healing, Hanson tried reiki upon a friend’s recommendation. “All of these energetic synchronicities started to unfold. Everything became very purposeful and poignant,” she reflects.
Hanson uses the same approach that she used to help her daughter to help her clients. She does not tell people what to do, but instead lets them think, feel and express whatever they’re feeling, so that true healing takes place.
“My students have been creating miracles for themselves,” she says. “I’m holding the space for my initiates and giving them the tools, but they’re doing the work. Everyone has a queen bee inside of them, and I guide them toward discovering it for themselves.”
Bee Present Wellness is located at 309 Third St., and 310 Bridge St. (entrance to both studios is in
the back of the building), in New Cumberland. For appointments or more
information, call 717-448-1281 or visit See ad, page 25
in the September 2022 issue, for an exclusive, time-sensitive offer to join the new Beehive Membership program.
