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Natural Awakenings South Central Pennsylvania

SoulFit Festival

Dwennimmen African Dance Community will hold an interactive wellness festival to engage and empower the community to move on August 12th and 13th from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Camp Curtain School. If we are healthier, stronger and happier we have the best chance to fight covid-19, diabetes, heart disease, mental illness and many other illnesses that uniquely affect our community in large numbers.. The SoulFit Festival is centered around the natural healing that comes specifically from the African arts culture, using dance, drumming, spoken word, and health healing properties to help support the families in our community. This is what makes the SoulFit Festival unique.


Saturday is devoted to a wellness festival, with fun-filled interactive presentations that demonstrate ways to lower stress and anxiety naturally using fitness, dance, music, drumming, spoken word and more. Resource vendors will share information about available services. Sunday is devoted to a variety of fitness and dance classes.


Sat. is free; the Sun. suggested donation is $25 for six classes. Location: 2900 N. 6th St. Harrisburg. For more information, call 717-425-3314 or email [email protected].