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Natural Awakenings South Central Pennsylvania

Coffee with Spirits - Navigate Your Life's Path

Oct 31, 2023 09:31AM ● By Tara Malouf

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image credit: Coffee With Spirits - Carlisle Creative Vibes


Navigating the Cosmic Currents: Trusting Your Inner Guidance in a Chaotic World

In the grand theater of life, we often find ourselves cast in roles we didn't expect, sometimes even as spokespersons for causes close to our hearts. It's as if the universe taps us on the shoulder and says, "You, my dear, are needed here." When that moment arrives, rest assured, your angels will provide you with the perfect words, and you'll shine brilliantly in your newfound role. But what if I told you that being the guardian of your thoughts and the guardian of your own life can be just as transformative?

Embracing Change: Your Angels Whisper in Your Heart

At times, you may feel a deep longing for something more meaningful in your life. In your heart, you know there's more out there, waiting for you in the world. It might be time to switch careers, move to a new home or city, or initiate other important changes. The world is vast and full of possibilities, and your angels are nudging you to seek out your magical moonlit path.

The Question of the Right Path

In the labyrinth of life, there are moments when we second-guess our choices and lose trust in the process. We may even wonder if we're on the right path at all. During these times, affirm to yourself that you are indeed on the right path. Remind yourself that you made a soul contract, and you're currently fulfilling it in every area of your life.

Even when the path seems obscured, search for the ways you're aligning with your soul's purpose. The signs will appear, sometimes subtly, other times as vivid as the North Star. Trust in these signs and let this newfound trust fuel your next steps.

The Power of Communication: Your Needs Matter

In the grand tapestry of human relationships, communication forms the threads that bind us. Yet, we often forget to weave in our own needs. Ask yourself: What are you needing right now, and have you communicated those needs? Are you afraid of rejection or judgment when expressing yourself? Are you saying 'no' to things that don't align with your desires? Do you believe that your needs matter?

Communication is more than just words; it's a dance of vulnerability and connection. Reflect on what you might be resisting and with whom. Dive deep into your own psyche and understand what you need to feel safe enough to express your needs. Remember, you have the power to ask for what you want and create a life that resonates with your soul's purpose.

In the cosmic symphony of existence, you are not a mere spectator; you are a participant. Your angels, your intuition, and the universe itself are guiding you. Trust in your inner wisdom, and let your heart be the compass that navigates the vast sea of possibilities. As you embrace change, reaffirm your path, and communicate your needs, you'll find yourself not only on the right path but also creating a life that is truly magical.


Affirmation: “I am the guardian of my thoughts, the navigator of my destiny, and the voice of my heart. I trust in the cosmic currents that guide me, and I am on the right path, fulfilling my soul's purpose. My needs matter, and I communicate them with courage and conviction. I am a beacon of change, a seeker of magic, and a creator of my own extraordinary life."

Copyright 2023 Medium and Intuitive Coach, Tara Malouf

photo credit: Tara Malouf

Tara Malouf is an evidential medium, intuitive and Akashic records reader, life coach and Usui crystal reiki master with a Doctor of Divinity degree. She is an expert in hypnosis, regression and guided meditation and has 30 years’ experience as a somatic and energy practitioner and international reader. Tara is part of the team of practitioners at Carlisle Creative Vibes, 152 N. Hanover St., Carlisle. 223-269-0519.