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Natural Awakenings South Central Pennsylvania

Coffee with Spirits – Setting the Tone For Your Day

Nov 30, 2023 09:31AM ● By Tara Malouf

photo credit: pexels-caeli-team-3714960

Welcome to another soulful conversation, where we explore the profound and mystical aspects of setting the tone for your day.


In the quiet moments of the morning, before the world awakens, you have the opportunity to tap into your inner self, infuse your day with positive energy, and manifest your heart's desires.


So, how can you turn your morning ritual with your hot beverage of choice into a powerful tool for spiritual growth and abundance? Let's find out:


The Power of the Morning Energies: Mornings hold a unique energy. The stillness and the promise of a new day are ideal for setting intentions and connecting with your deepest desires. Use this time to harness the limitless potential that each day offers.


Create a Sacred Morning Space: Designate a quiet corner or a tranquil outdoor spot as your "sacred morning space." This will be your haven for contemplation, meditation, and manifestation. Light a candle or some incense to enhance the ambiance.


Start with Gratitude with a dose of Authenticity: You are doing something that is making you, you!  That is when you are vibrating on the highest frequency! Before you begin your morning ritual, take a moment to express gratitude for the day ahead. Gratitude is a powerful magnet for abundance and positivity.


Align Your Intentions: As you prepare your hot beverage of choice, let your thoughts turn toward your deepest desires. What do you truly want to manifest in your life? Speak your intentions into the process of making your beverage, infusing it with your dreams.


Connect with Inner Joy: As you add the final touches to your drink, imagine your cup being filled with the energy of joy and positivity. Visualize this energy swirling and infusing your hot beverage with vibrancy and power.


Approach life Mindfully: Take your time to savor your hot beverage, slowly sipping and relishing the flavors. This is your moment to engage in a spiritual conversation with yourself. Reflect on your intentions and desires, feeling the warmth of your drink nurturing your dreams.


After your morning ritual, take out a journal and record your thoughts, insights, and affirmations. This journal becomes a sacred record of your journey and a testament to your spiritual growth.  Carry the joy and positivity with you throughout the day. Extend kindness, share smiles, and offer goodwill to those you encounter. Your energy can uplift others and create a ripple effect of positivity in your life.

"I am a radiant co-creator of my reality. With every mindful sip, I invoke the manifestation of my soul's deepest desires. I am in perfect harmony with the universe, and my dreams are being woven into the tapestry of existence. Today, I consciously choose joy as it courses through my being, illuminating every facet of my world with divine light."


Remember that the morning is a powerful time for setting intentions, connecting with your inner self, and aligning your energy with your dreams. By integrating this sacred morning ritual into your daily life, you can transform your hot beverage of choice into a potent tool for manifesting joy, abundance, and a deeper connection with your inner self.


May your mornings be filled with the warmth of your desires and the richness of your intentions. Embrace the magic in the ordinary, and let your soul dance to the rhythm of your morning ritual.


With love and blessings,


Tara Malouf, International Medium, Hypnosis Specialist, Reiki Master Teacher and Intuitive Life Coach. Host of Gifted Vision Podcast on YouTube @giftedvision_tara_malouf and on Facebook