Local Gift-Giving Ideas: Eco-Friendly, Holistic and Healthy

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photo credit: Vitajuwel-Drew Barrymore IG
The VIA Bottle by Vitajuwel: Enjoy heavenly water wherever you go with the bestselling, original gemwater bottle, featuring an all-sealed, sustainable gempod filled with precious gems. It is the only worry-free solution to prepare crystal water without fear of pollutants. Also available for hot liquids. 15 percent off sale through December 23 at Happie Soul Wellness, 5000 Lenker Street, Suite 103, in Mechanicsburg. Call for hours 717-254-7250. (HappieSoul.me).

Real Stories About Healing: In
“Radiating Our Reiki Light”, Rickie Freedman shares intimate moments from her
own reiki journey, as well as her decades-long reiki business practice.
Contributing authors share their own experiences with reiki, from their first
session anxieties to master-level-realizations. Chapters cover every topic of
life and reiki. Available on Amazon. (ReikiByRickie.com, in Harrisburg).

Breathe In, Breathe Out: Visit The Center of Balance for Salt Booth sessions for dry salt therapy using a medical-grade halogenerator with micronized 99.99 percent pure medical-grade salt particles, for the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial treatment of a multitude of respiratory concerns, plus skin conditions, stress, anxiety and fatigue—beneficial for adults and children. $30 for a 20-minute session, with the same benefit as a 60-minute salt cave session. Prepay 10 sessions at $25 per session. (TheCenterOfBalanceLLC.com, in Greencastle).

Gemstone Bracelets: Gracefull Heart offers a wonderful selection of attractive stocking stuffers. Mix, match and personalize choices based on the metaphysical properties of various stones (i.e., grounding, stress reducing, calming, uplifting, etc.), based on the recipient’s needs. Choose from a wide variety of more than 50 different types of healing stones. Bracelets start at $6.50 each and vary in price depending on the stone. (Gracefull-Heart.com, in Carlisle).

Hydrogen Therapy for Health: Carlisle Bowen Works is a holistic wellness center that provides unique approaches to addressing pain, posture, stress and life. Since 2012, they have been introducing central Pennsylvania to alternative modalities like Bowen Work. This holiday season, purchasers of a gift certificate also receive a complimentary hydrogen therapy add-on. (CarlisleBowenWorkPA.com, in Mechanicsburg).

Therapeutic Massage from Elements Massage: The perfect gift for everyone is a therapeutic massage. An Elements Massage gift card is the perfect way to unwrap comfort and calm. Share the love and give the gift that helps emotionally, mentally and physically. Unwrap the gift of self-care this holiday season or give the gift of relaxation. (ElementsMassage.com/Mechanicsburg, in Mechanicsburg).

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Local Holiday Shopping Guide: Also, be sure to look through the business listings in our online Local Holiday Shopping Guide linked below, to view any unique offers, deals & discounts created especially for Natural Awakenings readers. Look for the small "Gift Box" icon next to the business name to find the special offers.