Free Natural Paths To Wellness Workshops
Natural Paths To Wellness will hold free monthly Second Opinion Series workshops from 5 to 6 p.m. on the
third Thursday of every month throughout the year, as well as provide a chance to win discounts
off future consultations and laboratory tests.
March 21: Boost Your Metabolism (Dr. Ashlyn Zikmund); April 18: Insomnia (Dr. Jessica Shoemaker); May 16: Menopause (Dr. Shannon Hillsinger). Future schedule is pending.
Naturopathic doctors will detail the holistic approach to many common conditions, explain how they approach disease differently from conventional medicine and describe how to get started. Participants can take advantage of this time to “Ask the Doc” questions related to the series topic and find out how naturopathic medicine can build their health back.
Admission is free. Location: 1524 Cedar Cliff Dr., Camp Hill. For appointments or more information, call 717-494-4500, email [email protected] or visit