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Natural Awakenings South Central Pennsylvania

New Year, New Menu at Zen and Now

photo credit: Zen & Now    

Zen & Now Wellness Apothecary is offering an eight-week Introduction to Fire Diet Lifestyle course. Owner Rhonda Giddings says, “This series of workshops is designed to introduce the Fire Diet Healing System of Oriental food therapy and its guidelines for a healthier you, based on the work of Justin Fontanini, DOM, and his years of study and practice, passed to us at Zen & Now Wellness. It is an opportunity to look at food as your first defense medicine and seeing it in a completely different light by teaching how to define your nutrient needs based on body type as seen in traditional Eastern medicine and how food works beyond just calories!”


Cost is $35 per session for the workshops. Location: 6009 Allentown Blvd., Harrisburg. For more information, call 717-657-628, email [email protected] or visit