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Natural Awakenings South Central Pennsylvania

Coffee with Spirits - How to Navigate a Journey through Doubt

Aug 31, 2023 09:31AM ● By Tara Malouf

Coffee with Spirits

Greetings, seekers of wisdom,

As the breeze of September brings whispers of change, our lives also navigate through the uncertainties of seasons. In this chapter of self-discovery, we embark on a journey through doubt's realm, guided by intuition and imagination. Picture these as threads weaving brilliance into the fabric of our existence.


Intuition: Imagine your intuition is like a gentle wind rustling your inner garden. It comes as a quiet nudge, a feeling without a clear explanation. Amid the fog of doubt, pause to hear your intuition's soft whispers. It draws from the well of your experiences, offering insights that elude conscious thought. Let it be your guiding star through uncertainty, connecting you to the cosmic rhythms that shape your path.


Imagination: Your imagination is your spirit's canvas. Dreams blend seamlessly with aspirations, yet they can also masquerade as doubt. Distinguishing between creative inspiration and anxious fantasies is vital. Channel this vibrant energy into constructive creation. Use it to craft vivid visions of triumph and landscapes of growth, painting your journey with purposeful strokes.


Doubt doesn’t exist in the realm of Higher Understanding. When you find yourself at a crossroads of doubt on your journey, take a moment to pause and reflect. Is it the offspring of fear or the kin of uncertainty? Trust in your intuition as it guides you through life's celestial map. If its whispers bring hope and infinite possibilities, cherish it as a faithful friend. If doubt wears the cloak of apprehension, it may be imaginative doubt in disguise. Redirect your imagination with a powerful question: "What if everything unfolds in perfect harmony?" This shift can transform anxiety into a beautiful masterpiece of visionary hope. Remember, doubt does not exist in the realm of Higher Understanding.


Advice for the month: As daylight gradually wanes and nature adorns itself in the rich hues of autumn, let's wholeheartedly embrace the dance between intuition and imagination. These celestial partners shine as binary stars, illuminating the vast expanse of doubt with their radiant light. Share these profound insights with fellow seekers, inviting them to embark on this soul-enriching odyssey alongside you. Remember, within the sanctuary of your spirit resides the compass that steers you through the labyrinth of uncertainty. Trust the wisdom nestled in its profound depths.


Affirmation: "I nurture my soul daily with boundless love, kindness, and positive energy. I welcome moments of serene stillness and dedicated self-care, allowing my soul to unfold its petals and radiate its unique, luminous light. I am in harmonious sync with my inner self, embracing the transformative journey of nurturing my soul with unwavering compassion and focused intention."


With a heart full of love,
Tara Malouf,
Medium and Akashic Records Life Coach

Tara Malouf is an evidential medium, intuitive and Akashic records reader, life coach and Usui crystal reiki master with a Doctor of Divinity degree. She is an expert in hypnosis, regression and guided meditation and has 30 years’ experience as a somatic and energy practitioner and international reader. Tara is part of the team of practitioners at Carlisle Creative Vibes, 152 N. Hanover St., Carlisle. 223-269-0519.